FPC Yankton

Written by

James Calder, Senior Lecturer of Law and Social Justice, Emerson College

Reviewed by

Rachel Steiner, Co-Founder, Coalition for Peace and Justice – Chicago

FPC Yankton: A Minimum-Security Federal Prison Camp

FPC Yankton is a minimum-security federal prison camp located in Yankton, South Dakota. This facility is designed to house male offenders and offers a range of services to support inmates throughout their incarceration. Below is a comprehensive overview of the key information about FPC Yankton, including how to visit, send items, and the resources available for inmates.

Facility Overview

  • Address: 1016 Douglas Avenue, Yankton, SD 57078
  • Phone: 605-665-3262
  • Fax: 605-668-1113
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Inmate Population: 477 male offenders
  • Judicial District: South Dakota
  • County: Yankton
  • BOP Region: North Central Region

Visiting Information

Visiting Overview
FPC Yankton allows family and friends to visit inmates, helping maintain social and familial bonds. The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) encourages visitation but asks that visitors familiarize themselves with the facility’s regulations. All visitors should adhere to any applicable travel advisories or restrictions. The visiting guidelines are also available in Spanish (Regulaciones de Visitas).

Visiting Schedule & Procedures
FPC Yankton follows a structured schedule for inmate visits. Visitors should confirm the specific visiting hours and procedures to ensure they comply with the facility’s policies.

How to Send Things to Inmates

Inmate Mail
Inmates can receive letters and packages. Sending mail is an important way for family and friends to stay connected with loved ones during their time at FPC Yankton.

Inmate Money
Money can be deposited into an inmate’s commissary account. This account allows inmates to purchase items from the commissary that are not provided by the facility.

Freight and Non-USPS Parcels
Non-standard packages can also be sent to inmates, but specific guidelines must be followed to ensure compliance with facility regulations.

Resources for Sentenced Inmates

FPC Yankton provides inmates with several resources aimed at helping them adjust to life within the institution and prepare for reintegration into society.

Admissions & Orientation (A&O) Handbook
This handbook provides inmates with information about the facility’s rules, regulations, and available programs. It helps inmates understand their responsibilities during their time at FPC Yankton. The handbook is available in both English and Spanish.

Commissary List
The prison’s commissary allows inmates to purchase personal items, snacks, and hygiene products not regularly provided by the institution. Family and friends can deposit funds into the inmate’s commissary account to facilitate these purchases.

Legal Activities
Inmates at FPC Yankton have access to legal resources. The facility ensures that inmates can access legal counsel, consult reference materials, and prepare legal documents during their incarceration.

PREA Report

FPC Yankton complies with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), which ensures the safety and security of inmates. The most recent PREA report was posted on January 10, 2023, following an audit by independent contractors. Any questions or concerns regarding the report can be directed to the subcontracted auditor listed on page one of the report for further clarification.


FPC Yankton offers a supportive environment for inmates, with an emphasis on rehabilitation and maintaining ties with family and friends. The facility’s resources, from legal support to commissary services, are designed to help inmates successfully navigate their incarceration and prepare for life after release.

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